Generally for show the categories or labels, which are displayed all the category name or label. Then, is there any way to display the categories or labels on the category name or label? the answer is no.
Featured categories based on name labels felt to be more attractive because it is more specific, eg you have any blog categories: economics, politics, entertainment and so forth.
The first step you should prepare the category of what you want to show, and make a note or copy and paste the name of the category or label, such as politics. For category names that have blank spaces, should be replaced with% 20, for example for the category of blogger tutorials, a category name is changed to:
blogger% 20tutorial
Another thing you should know is, this label name is case-sensitive or sensitive to large letters (uppercase) or small, eg, different categories of bloggers% 20tutorial with Blogger% 20tutorial.
The second step is to prepare the feed address to name the categories you want, the format essentially as follows:
Eg my blog blog address is and name labels that want in the show is a blogger% 20tutorial the prepared feed address is: 20tutorial
And here's how to display the categories based on name labels in Blogger:
1. Login to blogger with your ID.
2. Click Design.
3. Click the Element tab page if you have not in the position of this tab.
4. Click a link Add a Gadget.
5. Will exit the new window, click the plus sign (+) to feed.
6. Enter the feed address that you have prepared earlier. For example, try entering the following address; 20tutorial
7. Options will appear, here you can change the title, how many posts are going on display (maximum 5 post) and others.
8. Click the Save button.
9. Done.
To display the name of the other categories, you just repeat the steps above, of course with different feed address in accordance with the category name you want.
There are other variations which can be obtained from the above techniques, the sequencing can view based on the updated post:
Despite the long post, but if the update again, it would appear at the top chart.
If you feel less satisfied with the above techniques, then there are other techniques that seemed more interesting that displays the categories based on the category name accompanied by a thumbnail and a summary of articles like the one in Fresh Revolution Templates. Check out the tutorial on the post that will come.
Asus (Google) Nexus 7 Tablet Analysis
12 years ago
this was very helpful thanks
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